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Toyota one of World's Top 10 Most Valuable Brand Name

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Old 04-08-05, 06:21 PM
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Default Toyota one of World's Top 10 Most Valuable Brand Name

I have posted this last year without online reference. Here's the Top 10 most valuable brand name in the world, & I think Toyota surpassed Mercedes last year in this ranking & is the only car brand in the top 10 :

Interbrand Press Release: New York, New York —

For the fourth consecutive year, BusinessWeek has teamed up with Interbrand, a leading brand consultancy, to publish a ranking of The 100 Best Global Brands by dollar value. This year’s rankings rewarded companies that build communities around their products and services creating “cult brands” that enable customers to feel as if they own the brand. Cutting-edge technology companies did well as four of the top five biggest gainers in brand value are from the tech sector, while long-established brands such as Coca Cola, Microsoft, Disney and Ford actually lost brand value.
Based on its high brand loyalty and strong sales of the iPod, Apple (No. 43) is the biggest mover with a 24% gain in brand value. Other big gainers include Yahoo!, No. 61 (up 17%); Amazon, No. 66 (up 22%); Samsung, No. 21 (up 16%); and HSBC, No. 33 (up 15%). Online auctioneer eBay debuts on the list this year at No. 60. As BusinessWeek notes, even established brands such as Coca Cola (No. 1) and Microsoft (No. 2) “have started to recognize the need to nurture stronger ties with consumers.” Microsoft has started mini-trade shows in airport lounges and Coca Cola has opened hip “Coke Red Lounges” for teenagers in suburban malls. Reflecting a recovering global economy, overall brand values have risen 2.2%. Although American firms still dominate holding eight of the top ten spots, the overall number of American companies on the list dropped from 64 to 58. The improving economy helped boost the financial services industry this year. Investment house Goldman Sachs gained 13% in brand value to land at No. 37. Other gainers in the industry include J.P. Morgan, No. 30 (up 7%); Morgan Stanley, No. 27 (up 8%); and Merrill Lynch, No. 26 (up 9%).

Despite the recovering U.S economy, some sectors suffered. The fast food industry was particularly hard hit as a result of bad publicity and consumers focused on obesity and eating healthier. Burger King fell off the list entirely, while Pizza Hut (No. 55) and KFC (No. 54) both saw their brand values drop. With a new healthy menu, McDonald’s held its own, gaining 1% in brand value and moving to No. 7 on the list. There was also significant movement in the automobile sector. Luxury brand behemoth Mercedes was edged out of the top ten by Toyota. Mercedes, beset by quality concerns and a lull in the product cycle saw its car sales fall slightly in 2003. Toyota, in contrast, is on track to overtake Ford in worldwide sales. American weakness in global automotive brands became even more apparent. Ford lost 15% in brand value due to increased competition in the U.S. and continued weakness in European markets. In contrast, Audi’s leading position in Asian markets makes it a new entrant at No. 81.

Luxury goods fared well on this year’s list. Cartier, whose brand restructuring has positioned it to take advantage of the rebound in “indulgence spending,” debuted on the list at No. 91. Very strong top line growth and wide margins allowed cosmetics brand Estee Lauder to make the Global Brands list debuting at No. 92. Luxury carmaker Porsche also makes the list for the first time at No. 74. The success of Porsche’s Cayenne SUV proves that the brand can appeal to more than just middle-aged men. Brand values were determined using the method Interbrand pioneered 16 years ago and has since used to value more than 3,500 brands. Value is calculated as the net present value of the earnings that the brand is expected to generate and secure in the future for the time frame from July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2004. The 100 most valuable global brands with a value greater that $2.1 billion were selected according to two criteria: First, the brands had to be global, generating significant earnings in the main global markets. Second, there had to be sufficient marketing and financial data publicly available for preparing a reasonable valuation. Park Young Hoon of Seoul was quick to clench his fist and yell slogans against George W. Bush earlier this year in a giant rally denouncing the U.S. President's tough policy on North Korea. But that doesn't mean the 33-year-old computer engineer is willing to loosen his grip on his favorite American coffee or cola. "Calling for political independence from the U.S. is one thing, and liking American brands is another," he says. "Of course I like IBM, Dell, Microsoft, Starbucks and Coke."

Luckily for the stewards of America's largest brands, plenty of other consumers around the world are making the same distinctions. America's go-it-alone attitude in recent years, which has shaped its position on everything from environmental issues to Iraq, has aroused plenty of anti-U.S. sentiment. So far, however, that antipathy is not spilling over into a widespread rejection of U.S. hamburgers or packaged goods. "Yemeni students were out burning the American flag, chanting 'kill the Americans"' in early March, notes Jack Valenti, CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America. "As soon as the theaters opened at 7 p.m., bingo, they were all in there." Indeed, overseas box-office receipts for American movies have been cresting at near-record highs this year despite mounting anger against the country in which the films were produced.

Whatever the world thinks of the U.S. these days, American labels dominate this year's annual BusinessWeek/Interbrand Corp. ranking of the 100 most valuable global brands. U.S. brands claimed 62 places, including 8 of the top 10 spots. The ranking is based on a detailed analysis of how much of each product's sales are driven by the brand name, weighted for such other factors as market leadership, stability, and the ability to cross national borders.

Just because American brands dominate doesn't mean foreign brands aren't also moving up the ranks. Samsung Electronics, SAP, L'Oréal, and Toyota posted some of the biggest gains on the list. And consumers were clearly paying attention to current events. Another year of corporate scandals and mediocre stock market returns chipped away at the value of such brands as JPMorgan, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan Stanley.

Those that have suffered the steepest valuation declines -- such as Ford, down 16%, to $17.1 billion, or Kodak, down 19%, to $7.8 billion -- are less the victims of a tense political climate than of stumbles under the weight of quality issues, mistargeted products, or other fundamental business problems. Some, such as Levi's and McDonald's are racking up higher sales growth overseas than at home. The names that dominate the roster, such as top-ranked Coke and No. 2 Microsoft, are global players that rise above the noise of political dissent to appeal to consumers everywhere.

What is it, exactly, that's keeping U.S. brands aloft? Credit a combination of smart brand management and sheer luck. That American brands are born and nurtured in the world's largest and most eclectic economy confers a huge advantage. By the time they venture overseas, issues of quality, consistency, and logistics have largely been resolved. And many brands have been in the global marketplace for so long that few consumers can say with any certainty where they originated.

At the same time, American marketers have worked hard to imbue their products with American values that are still attractive overseas. "I think the core values of Levi's -- democracy, freedom, independence -- certainly are viewed as the best of America and its virtues," says Levi Strauss & Co. CEO Philip A. Marineau, whose brand still struggles at home but is coveted in markets such as Asia.

Far more important, marketers have learned to weave their products into the local culture by hiring local managers and adapting everything from packaging to serving sizes to flavors to the local market. Thus, McDonald's Corp. sells aloo tikka in Bombay, teriyaki burgers in Tokyo, the flatbread McArabia in Amman, and kosher McNuggets in Tel Aviv. Despite continued tensions in the Middle East, that's where the company saw some of its strongest sales growth over the past year. Many brands also try to cement their local ties by taking on ambitious community-service programs such as Coca-Cola Co.'s educational grants made through the Palestinian Authority and donations to environmental causes in Spain.

For a taste of how U.S. brands are sold, look at Pepsi in India. It's still the same soda pop that flows in America, but with a distinctly Indian twist. PepsiCo has nurtured a homegrown image by sponsoring the hugely popular sport of cricket, using local celebrities in ads and filling its senior management slots with Indian talent. It has also taken community involvement to another level with such ventures as growing tomatoes and exporting chili paste with the state government of Punjab. Pepsi's local slogan, Yeh Dil Maange More! (This Heart Wants More!), is so popular that an Indian army major famously shouted it into the snowy Himalayan valleys after a key victory against the Pakistanis in the 1998 Kargil war. No wonder a three-day foreign-product boycott in the Communist state of Kerala barely made a dent in the soft drink's sales. And it's no surprise that the Pepsi brand has jumped 6% in value, to $11.8 billion, this year.

For other brands, however, victory overseas means adhering strictly to the formulas that propelled them to the top in the U.S. Take Dell Inc., which added 12% in brand value this year, to $10.4 billion. It has strived to replicate exactly the model that made it famous at home. That means mass customization, direct-to-the-buyer sales, and fast turnaround. The temptation to adapt to local conditions or lessen standards may be great, especially as European buyers have been slow to shop via the Internet and the less efficient payment practices of China mean buyers wait days before their Dell PC is shipped. But being a bulldog can pay off. Today, Dell is the largest foreign seller of PCs in China and is going strong in Europe.

Some brands have overcome an anti-American prejudice by appealing to shared values. Nike Inc.'s "Just do it" message of individual empowerment and athletic achievement plays as well in Jakarta as it does in Jefferson City. The emotional appeal has proven especially powerful in regions such as Western Europe and Asia, where Nike is racking up the greatest sales growth.

Not every brand, of course, has found it easy to navigate overseas. Some misread demand; others get hung up on cultural differences. And a number simply become too stretched to maintain the quality and service that drove them to the top at home. Starbucks Corp. saw its brand gain 9% in value, to $2.1 billion, this year, but that was largely on the strength of double-digit gains in the U.S., where sales of everything from its compilation CDs to bottled Frappuccino are booming. "The equity of the brand has gone well beyond a cup of coffee," says Chairman Howard D. Schultz. Its 1,600 overseas stores are net money losers, however. Analysts attribute the losses to high startup costs, stiff competition, and less interest in the so-called Starbucks experience. Schultz blames the setbacks on temporary growth pains and a bad economy.

The problems have been far worse for U.S. carmakers. Not only are they losing traction in foreign markets but their home turf has long since been invaded by Asian and European competitors offering higher quality and better design, often at lower prices. Toyota gained 7% in brand value, surpassing its American rivals at $20.8 billion. Over the past 12 months, the Toyota brand has gained $1.3 billion in value, while Ford has lost $3.3 billion. The next big auto name on the list: Honda, which increased 4%, to $15.6 billion. The brands of General Motors and Chrysler, which are less global, can't even crack the top 100.

As the car rankings show, a brand's popularity is only partly a result of careful grooming. Quality can't be faked, and many shoppers outside the U.S. really only care about a good deal. "If something is useful we buy it, whether it's made in the U.S., China, or elsewhere," notes student Heather Kam, while sipping a Caffè Mocha in a Hong Kong Starbucks.

There's another reason consumers overseas can rage against U.S. foreign policy one minute and relax with a Bud the next. Some products have become so widespread that many people are only vaguely aware of their countries of origin. Ahmad Tarouat, a 23-year-old Parisian salesman, may insist that he will never ingest a Big Mac because "McDonald's stands for American imperialism," but he seems oblivious to the origin of the Nike sneakers on his feet or the pack of Marlboro Lights in his hands.

He's not alone. In surveys, consumers routinely guess that Heineken is German (it's really Dutch) and that Nokia is Japanese (it's Finnish). Nestlé a Swiss brand, found itself on some Arab boycott lists of American products during the Iraq war. And few know that Häagen-Dazs and Estée Lauder were actually born in the USA. Even where consumers can correctly identify the national origin of a multinational brand, they are more inclined to think of it as global rather than American or Japanese, according to research by RoperASW.

U.S. corporations know that it takes more than translated slogans to win over a local population. As Jeffrey R. Immelt, chairman and CEO of General Electric (GE ) Co., has noted: "We are a global company, [so] we want to present a global face to our customers." For Immelt, that has meant pushing more diversity through the ranks and, where possible, putting foreign talent into key management slots -- and not just in their home countries. GE has watched its brand value increase 2% this year, to $42.3 billion, despite a tough economy.

Another area is getting increasing attention from American brand owners: the need to be perceived as responsible global citizens. That can mean everything from giving funding to rural schools, as Coca-Cola has done, to plowing resources into fixing environmental problems. True, established companies have long done that at home. But many are infamous for bad behavior abroad, from substandard conditions in factories to landscapes denuded by manufacturing.

In a global village, that kind of bad publicity anywhere can erode the value of a brand. Sexist ads in China can be transmitted to the West with a mouse-click. A grassroots complaint can garner a global audience if it's directed at a big name. That means, for example, that Nike's labor practices in developing countries can become an issue for consumers around the world.

The world is a fast-changing and fickle place where big names can quickly and sometimes irrevocably slide in favor. New competitors or louder anti-Americanism may yet send the value of American brands plunging. But so far they are still finding ways to connect with consumers everywhere. In the end, the most effective tactics are surprisingly simple. Take a look at one of Coke's hit commercials this year, which centers around a guitarist on a subway playing a melancholy tune until a kid hands him a Coke. After a long slug, he launches into a remixed version of the old mambo tune Chihuahua and soon has everyone on the subway chanting "Chihuahua!" Sure, it was made in Spain. But when Coke aired it in other parts of Europe, it found commuters there were chanting in unison, too

Interbrand has calculated the brand values using the method it pioneered 14 years ago and has since used to value more than 3,000 brands. Brand value is calculated as the net present value of the earnings that the brand is expected to generate and secure in the future. The table which is accesses below, identifies the 100 most valuable global brands with a value greater than $1 billion. Brands were selected according to two criteria: First, the brands had to be global, generating significant earnings in the main global markets. Second, there had to be sufficient marketing and financial data publicly available for preparing a reasonable valuation.

Source & more links HERE
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Old 04-08-05, 09:22 PM
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I looked up the definition of TOYOTA in the dictionary and it said: reliability.

Seriously, that is what I think of the brand, and what I imagine most people think of. The other day I rewatched that Top Gear episode where they were wondering why even Iraq insurgents were driving TOYOTAs, and how they took a 15-year old used TOYOTA truck, sank it in water, set it on fire, dropped a trailer on it, and it still worked. Now that is a brand you can trust!!!
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Old 04-08-05, 09:24 PM
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Marlboro. Now there is a brand that does the world a lot of good.
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Old 04-09-05, 12:02 AM
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Originally Posted by jrock65
Marlboro. Now there is a brand that does the world a lot of good.
indeed: the doctors and hospital got a lot of extra patients on cancer, heart attack, erectile problems...let alone the drug producers....when more ppls are sick, they spend more money and the economy move faster
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Old 04-09-05, 01:34 PM
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Originally Posted by AmethySC
The red "TOYOTA" totally matches their advertising! They were meant to be on there!
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Old 04-09-05, 09:20 PM
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Clearly, this is incredible news for Toyota, companies would KILL to be on this list or move up even one notch, that is millions of people. Lexus is happy too, as the people that do know Lexus is owned by Toyota, this is a very good thing.

Thanks for posting
Old 07-27-05, 06:30 AM
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Default Updated : Asian Brands Climb in Annual Brand Ranking

The Newest Global Brand Ranking :

In an annual survey ranking global brand value put together by Interbrand Corp. and Business Week magazine, Toyota, BMW, Honda, and Nissan made gains while Mercedes-Benz and Ford continued to fall.

Toyota was ninth overall in the world with a global value of $24.8 billion, and gained 10 percent. Mercedes was 11th overall with a value of $20.1 billion, down 6 percent. BMW was 16th overall with a global value of $17.1 billion, up 8 percent. Honda ranked 19th overall at $15.8 billion, up 6 percent. Ford ranked 22nd at $13.2 billion, down 9 percent. Volkswagen ranked 56th at $5.6 billion, down 12 percent. Porsche ranked 76th at $3.8 billion, up 4 percent from a year ago. Audi ranked 79th at $3.7 billion, up 12 percent. Hyundai ranked 84th at $3.5 billion and was new to the Top 100 ranking. Nissan ranked 85th at $3.2 billion, up 13 percent.

Interbrand determines global brand value starting with those brands that are worth more than a billion dollars and derive at least one-third of their business outside of their home market. Interbrand then projects five years of sales earnings for the brand based on publicly available financial reports and deducts costs including operating expenses, taxes, and costs of capital to arrive at a value that can be ascribed to the brand. It's a bit of a "black box" valuation, but one that the firm and magazine have been doing for five years. General Motors brands didn't make the list because of the way the company is structured and because its brand tend to be regional. Cadillac, for example, does not derive a third of its sales and profit outside the U.S. Likewise, Vauxhall in the U.K.

The rises and falls in brand value seem to mirror the trend of sales, earnings, and brand performance as it can be determined from the success of the brands and individual products. Nissan, Hyundai, and Audi posted strong gains as all three have been enjoying great momentum from new product designs. Mercedes, Volkswagen, and Ford have all be falling in earnings and reception of new products. Interbrand global director Jan Lindemann says that VW is seeing a decline in brand value in part because its newest products are muddying what VW stands for in the global marketplace. The design of the new Golf, he says, was too conservative and product choices like the luxury Phaeton and Touareg SUV have created a situation where the VW brand counts for less in the overall value of the company. Meantime, Nissan has the opposite situation, he says, in that it's been growing the value of its once moribund brand through expressive designs that generate higher sales profit per vehicle. The Ford brand has been falling on all cylinders in terms of profitability and reception of new designs. -Jim Burt

source : thecarconnection

Last edited by Gojirra99; 07-27-05 at 06:33 AM.
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Old 07-27-05, 07:41 AM
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It's very interesting that Samsung is rated the #1 consumer electronics brand, handily outpacing the former king, Sony, which looked invincible not that long ago. I don't think Samsung would have even made the list just 10 years ago.

Goes to show that no one can be complacent in this ultra-competitive global economy anymore.
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Old 07-27-05, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by jrock65
It's very interesting that Samsung is rated the #1 consumer electronics brand, handily outpacing the former king, Sony, which looked invincible not that long ago. I don't think Samsung would have even made the list just 10 years ago.

Goes to show that no one can be complacent in this ultra-competitive global economy anymore.
Samsung has definitely stepped up into the game as a major player. It's just like how Hyundai has stepped up in the last 10 years. Great job to the Koreans.
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Old 07-28-05, 08:13 AM
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Samsung announced a few years back that they will take on Sony on all consumer electronic fronts...apparently they're doing a good job of this...
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Old 07-28-05, 09:20 AM
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I do like Samsung products. Sony finally is begining to get back on teh ball. They were just selling us overpriced things b/c of the name SONY.
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