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D.K. 01-04-02 09:35 PM

Premium Fuel
What fuel does everybody use? In San Diego I find mainly 91 octane as premium. Anyone notice any difference in fuels?

Erfan 01-05-02 07:40 PM

I have used 91 octane premium in my ES ever since i got it. It says in your manual to use the highest octane you can for optimal performance and gas is so cheap now that it is worth the extra pennies to fill up on premium, I put nothing but the best fuel in my baby:)

D.K. 01-05-02 07:45 PM

What I was trying to articulate was that 91 octane appears to be the absolute "minimum" that Lexus recomends. I actually would like to use something with more octane. I remember the days when we could get "real" premium gasolines. Texaco (white pump) oh yea! those were the days.

Erfan 01-05-02 07:57 PM

What was the white pump, and why did they do away with it? You might be able to buy octance boosters and add it to your gas

D.K. 01-05-02 08:39 PM

I don't want to get too carried away but I was hoping to find something in the 94 octane range. What is the octane rating of the premium fuels in your neck of the woods?

"White pump" Texaco was in the 100 octane range if my memory serves me. That was back in the 70's when I was rodding my Cuda. Good memories.

black sc 01-05-02 08:47 PM

You can buy raciing fuel with around 100+ octane.

jahummer 01-06-02 06:42 AM

In my "neck of the woods" premium is 93 octane.

RacingAristo 01-06-02 08:46 AM


Erfan 01-06-02 09:38 AM

They seriously need to come out with some octane 100 or better so that our cars can be fed only the best, but i doubt that will ever happen.:(

jahummer 01-06-02 12:01 PM

Have you tried an octane that high? I wonder what it would do to the engine?

kreativ 01-06-02 03:09 PM

It has been repeatedly stated by automotive experts that there is no benefit in using fuel with an octane rating higher than what the engine is tuned for. It doesn't hurt to use higher're just spending more money.

Car and Driver even did a test where they ran cars "requiring" premium gas on regular gas, and found just a marginal decrease in MPG. It's not recommended to go lower of course.

Lexus recommends 91 or higher (not the highest octane you can find), meaning if 93 is available but not 91, it's better to use that than 89. But Lexus engines can run with as low as 87.

kreativ 01-06-02 03:17 PM

As for which gasoline brands are good, I did some research on this a while back and it seems Chevron Supreme w/Techron is the most recommended gasoline among those who know about them (i.e. the experts, not people like me who "prefer" a brand just because I've been using it for the past 5 years).
Apparently, some major trucking fleets allow only the use of Chevron in their trucks.
It's supposed to give the best MPG with lowest emissions, while keeping your engine clean. The low emissions is why the Big3 American automobile companies truck tons of Chevron fuel from far away for the emissions tests on their vehicle.

As for gasoline brands to stay away from, any non-major brand and Arco.
The rest of the major brands are perfectly fine for normal driving. Costco usually has cheap gas, and they get gas from a major supplier just won't know which one because it varies depending on which major oil company wins the bid.

It's recommended to go to a gas station that is highly trafficked, because the gas turnover rate is higher. And to not fill up when the tanker is there filling up the underground tanks, because all the sediment at the bottom of the tank is stirred up during that time.

Do I follow all of this advice myself? Not really. But I figure if you're the kind that wants to put in 100+ octane in your car just for the heck of it, some of these tips might help.

Erfan 01-06-02 09:11 PM

I appreciate your tips Kreativ, Is the Exxon gas any good? I use only premium because it is so cheap, $1.05 per gallon for premium:eek:

Mean Gene 01-07-02 01:07 AM

Good Points!
Kreativ - U make some excellent points about the turnover & tankers!! I work for an oil company &, of course, did my share of time working in a gasoline station during my summers. Any major brand of gasoline must meet stringent standards & are subject to periodical "spot checks" to ensure compliance. I'm surprised to hear your warning about Atlantic Richfield's gas - have U had a personal experience with it? Our gasoline ( Amerada Hess ) has always finished high in the BMW injector tests ( said to be the toughest to pass in regards to clean burning & lowest deposits, at least according to Car & Driver ). I'm NOT pushing ours as the best because I run Chevron or Exxon exclusively ( no Hess Express stations in Louisiana ) & have seen good results from tests regarding BP, Shell, Phillips & the other "Big Boys". Something else to look for, although not necessarily a bad thing, is for the same tanker to fill up underground tanks at two different branded stations!:eek: Sometimes the same local distributor represents 2 competitors & if the tanker has a few gallons left over after topping off, say, the Shell station, then he might go dump the remaining load across the street at Texaco before heading back to the bulk plant empty ( assuming the distributor carries both brands ). The thing that makes Chevron so good is the Techron detergent it contains - considered the gold standard of gasoline cleaning agents. My salesman told me to run the highest octane I could find ( usually 91 ) but that the ECU would pull back the timing if all I could find was the 87 ( in a pinch ). U're correct that if the car's ECU cannot compensate for the extra octane with any more spark advance, then U've just wasted the extra money spent on premium. And the old days where ONLY premium contained detergents doesn't apply anymore as all grades must contain a certain amount of them to meet current standards.
DK - U're a guy after my own heart!!:p I had a 1969 Hemi 'Cuda WAY back when & it only ran well on the old Amoco "white" gas. I forget the octane rating but it had the most unusual smell!! Maybe I've sniffed too many fumes!?;) :D

Erfan 01-07-02 06:37 AM

Mean Gene,

I appreciate the lengthy write up, you must have a fascinating time at your current line of work. What is your current position in the Oil and Gas industry?

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