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Shogun 06-04-01 07:13 AM

After using Mothers Wax (and just about everything else) for years and recently trying some Zymol CleanerWax (which is actually made by Turtle Wax), this past weekend I tried some 3M products on my '98 Black 400.

Considerations: Car was washed and had been clayed in the last week. All work is done by HAND - no power buffers. 100% cotton, tery cloth, towels are used and they are absolutely CLEAN.

First product - 3M's 'Swirl Remover for Dark Finishes'. Since some bozo prior to me attempted to buff the black paint - I had lots of swirl marks. The 3M polish did a very admirable job of removing all but the most difficult of the swirls - which did go away with further applications. Easy on and easy off. Gave the paint a very deep and rich finish. Very similiar to looking into a black mirror. Remember, this product contains ZERO wax and hence the need for...

Second product - 3M's 'Perfect It Liquid Wax'. Very easy on and very much a pain in the ass to take off properly but oh-my-god was it worth it. Deep, shine forever, luster that was very much enhanced by using the polish above. It looked like I had dipped the car in olive oil.

If you use this on a dark colored car - here's the deal. Apply, dry and buff off. You will then noticed the dreaded 'high-low' look where your paint looks blotchy due to 'darker' spots. The solution is simple - take a damp, clean, cotton towel and apply to the car and re-buff with a clean, dry, cotton towel. The 'high-low' is gone and the finish is wonderful.

Just thought I'd let everyone know in case someone was looking to try a new polish/wax combo.

Have fun,

Benny 06-04-01 08:01 AM

wax is outdated. look into finding a detail shop that uses teflon. lasts up to 8 months and longer depending on conditions obviously. there is a product called "soaring Eagle" a type of teflon that will make your black look like a mirrored lake, while filling in surface scratches, removing swirl marks, and giving you showroom glow. also runs around $300-$400 per application. hope you know someone in the business and get a deal.

Benny 06-04-01 08:18 AM

there are a couple in the alpharetta area should you be interested

Shogun 06-04-01 09:20 AM

Teflon applications have been around for a long time - since the mid 80's. Teflon products are also the 'type' of applications that dealers usually charge for as an aftermarket paint sealent prior to delivering a brand new car.

I have used teflon before and as with everything else in life there is always a trade-off. While teflon based applications usually last a long time their gloss is neither as deep or as lasting as a carnuba/oil based wax.

Likewise, while carnuba based waxes typically look absolutely wonderful, the protection rarely lasts beyond 90 days before another application is needed.

Teflon is a great product and it certainly has a place in the world of automtive care but when it comes to getting 'the last 20%' of potential- it takes something along the lines of a Meguiers Gold, 3M, Zaino, Zymol,

Here's to finding everyone's ultimate shine!


Overtaxed 06-04-01 03:05 PM

I use a two layer paint sealent that is polyurethan. I have it reapplied once every year.

I've had on my last three cars and I think it's great. It looks good and any dirt just slides right off the car.

It may not give that last 10% in shine but if you had the kind of weather that we have over here, and on top of that didn't have a garage (which I don't) then you would also rule out trying to keep a good wax on your car.

mooretorque 06-04-01 04:11 PM

wax on, wax off
OT, like many, I've recently become a fan of Zaino. Like many, I am ultimately a sloth in disguise (and also have a lot of demands on my time). Though I (occasionally) enjoy the textural (can't say sensual, sounds too kinky) experience of washing/waxing, I'm always looking for something better, esp. when it comes to weather resistance.

Do you have trademarked or brand names for your polyurethane product? Thanks in advance.

Overtaxed 06-04-01 11:36 PM


It's a Swedish company and their products are not available outside Europe. Sorry.

mooretorque 06-05-01 04:16 AM

Hmmmmmmm.............must be a sign/portent to stay with Zaino.

Thanks again, for speedy reply.

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