Terms of Service

By using Club Lexus, you agree to follow the Term of Service (TOS) in its entirety. The TOS might be modified by Club Lexus at any time without prior notification. It is your responsibility to periodically review the document and agree to all the information outlined. 

1) Club Lexus provides a lot of information to its members including forum, articles, information, manuals, classified, etc. They are all protected by the TOS and by using any of the services on Club Lexus members have to observe TOS. At any time if Club Lexus adds in any new additional service for members those services will be immediately be protected by TOS as well. All the information provided on Club Lexus is considered as properties of Club Lexus as well. 

2) Registration is required for all memberships. It's your responsibility to provide us with accurate information on your membership. Moreover, you should notify us of any change on your vital information such as email address, mailing address, phone numbers, etc... whichever required as soon as possible. Every person is only allowed to have one account associated with their name. 

If Club Lexus finds out a certain member maintains more than one account on Club Lexus, the duplicate account(s) will be removed immediately. The violation could result in permanent suspension from ClubLexus. Members are responsible for maintaining their accounts correctly 

3) Each member is assigned with a personally password and it's their responsibilities to maintain the confidentialities of the password. It is their responsibility to report the abuse or loss of their password to Club Lexus immediately. Club Lexus will not be liable for any loss of the member whose password is stolen. 

4) Most of the time information provided on Club Lexus is directly from individual members. These include the content in the forum, instructions, pictures, hyperlinks, etc... otherwise known as "content." The person who posts up that information is entirely responsible for the content. The content is not controlled by the TOS and Club Lexus is not liable for the accuracy of the content. 

On the other hand Club Lexus does make every effort to control the quality of the content to ensure inappropriate information is reduced to minimum. 

5) Club Lexus may establish any kind of limitation on the TOS. For example every member has a limitation to their pirate message box, time interval between each post, etc... These settings could be modified by Club Lexus at any time without notification, and you agree to observe the limitation. If Club Lexus discovers that rules and/or limitations are violated, the related memberships could be terminated. 

6) Club Lexus reserves the right to modify or remove any part of the TOS without further notification. You agree that Club Lexus is not liable against you or any third party for any medication or cancellation in TOS. 

7) You agree that Club Lexus might terminate any membership without any notification if you violated any rules. Moreover, you also agree Club Lexus to remove any accounts that are inactive for an extensive period of time. Club Lexus will not be liable against any loss associated with the termination of membership 

8) Any information provided by advertisers on Club Lexus is solely the advertisers' responsibility and is not protected by the TOS. Moreover, ClubLexus are not responsible for any hyperlinks posted inside the forums as well. 

9) Any notification to members would be done via private message or email. Club Lexus might use you email to contact you for update on TOS as well. 

10) All the materials presented on Club Lexus, unless specified otherwise, are copyrighted materials by ClubLexus. They could be used for personal, internal, non-commercial, or informational purposes. The ClubLexus copyright notice has to be appeared in every page of Club Lexus material. Moreover, you cannot modify the information by Club Lexus in any way. 

11) Any information, material, and content on Club Lexus are shown "AS IS" and carry no warranty at all. Club Lexus will not be liable for any damages or loss associated with them. Members are responsible for their loss entirely and Club Lexus carryes not liability or warranty against any information presented. 

12) By using Club Lexus you observe the TOS and agree to follow the limitations and conducts of the website. If you have any questions please email administrator@clublexus.com.