For Everybody’s Sake, Stop Driving in the Left Lane If You’re Not Passing

For Everybody’s Sake, Stop Driving in the Left Lane If You’re Not Passing

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If there’s one sweeping generalization that I can make with certainty knowing I won’t offend anybody, it’s that nobody enjoys traffic. So why is it, then, that hundreds thousands millions of people still do little things that actually make traffic worse? Proper use of the left lane, which is highlighted in this PSA video from VOX, could significantly make driving on America’s large highway network less frustrating, but people (both willingly and unknowingly) still use it like any other lane.

The left lane is, has been, and always will be for passing. Driving slowly? Get to the right. Speeding? Skip past the guys on the right using the left lane, and once they’re safely in the rearview, get back to the right. There’s going to be somebody going faster than you eventually, so you’re going to have to get to the right anyway, might as well just do it. If everybody actually followed this law (yes, it’s the law), then that would keep the roads more organized and more efficient.

Furthermore, staying in your appropriate spot and only using the left lane to pass eliminates unnecessary dangers. If somebody is parked in the left lane and going slower than the pace of traffic, that forces the people going faster to make extra lane changes to get around that slowpoke. More lane changes mean more possibilities of accidents.

So how about we all just do what we’re supposed to and we’ll all be happier on the road?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

via [VOX]

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